vw4 (12/13)

1. Enquête.

  1. Vul deze enquête in.

2. Leesvaardigheid.

  1. Ga naar Magister.
  2. Ga naar ELO.
  3. Ga naar Bronnen.
  4. Ga naar Digitaal Lesmateriaal.
  5. Ga naar BLOQS.
  6. Ga naar Examentraining.
  7. Ga naar Engels.
  8. Kies een jaar en ga oefenen.

Lesson 17

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1. Vocab range test

  1. Report your score on this test to Mr Vermeulen.

2. Reading

  1. Summarise this article by formulating a short, concise answer to the question in the title.

3a. Watching

  1. Watch this clip and write down the answers to the questions below.
  2. How does Charles Ramsey indicate he wasn't aware of any wrongdoing by his neighbour?
  3. When did he recognise that things weren't as they seemed?

3b. Watching

  1. Watch this clip and complete the tasks below.
  2. Write down the cause of the main dispute between Hunter Thompson and the Hell's Angels representative.
  3. Write down what you found most remarkable about the contents of the clip.

4. Reading/watching

  1. Choose one of the following and complete this form.
  2. Animals.
  3. Code-breaking.
  4. Shooting.
  5. Self-confidence.
  6. A TED talk of your choice (although I can recommend the one above). Use this or this to make your choice.
  7. Any article from here.

5. Done?

  1. Free English reading or watching.


Lesson 16: Literature 1

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1. Write a three-sentence summary

  1. Watch this clip on the evolution of England and the English language.
  2. Write a three-sentence summary for the first clip detailing what languages Old English borrowed from (and use some examples).

2. De vroege Middeleeuwen

Use your Alquin booklet (or the internet) to answer the questions below.

  1. Wie regeerde(n) van 55vC tot ± 450 over Groot-Brittannië?
  2. Wat was er rond 450 aan de hand?
  3. Na het vertrek van de (zie antwoord bij vraag 1), werden de Keltisch-Romeninse inwoners van verschillende kanten belaagd. Door wie en waarom?
  4. Nadat de belagers (zie antwoord vraag 3) stopten met plunderen en verwoesten, begonnen ze zich te vestigen in Groot-Brittannië. Hoe lagen de machtsverhoudingen?
  5. Hoe was de situatie in Wales, Schotland en Cornwall?
  6. Hoe werd de Angelsaksische maatschappij bestuurd?
  7. Bespreek het belang van het begrip ‘trouw’ in de Angelsaksische maatschappij.
  8. Vanaf de 7e eeuw namen naast de elite en de gewone mensen nog een groep een belangrijke plaats in in de Angelsaksische maatschappij. Wie?
  9. Hoe kwamen zij in Groot-Brittannië terecht en wat was hun taak?
  10. Aan het einde van de 6e en in de loop van de 7e eeuw deed het Christendom zijn intrede in Groot-Brittannië. Beschrijf het proces en de gevolgen.
  11. Wie was Beda (in het Engels ‘Bede’)?
  12. In welke talen werd er ten tijde van Beda in Groot-Brittannië geschreven?
  13. Wat is de ‘Anglo-Saxon Chronicle’?
  14. Het bekeren van het heidendom naar het Christendom gebeurde natuurlijk geleidelijk aan. De opgraving van Sutton Hoo in Suffolk getuigt van deze overgang. Leg uit.
  15. Wat gebeurde er in 793?
  16. Hoe kwam het dat de Vikingen zonder al te veel tegenstand Groot-Brittannië konden plunderen?
  17. In de loop der tijd kwamen er zelfs een paar Scandinavische koningen op de Angelsaksische troon. Hoe kon dat gebeuren?
  18. In 1066 kwam er een einde aan de Angelsaksische periode. Door wie? Hoe kon dit gebeuren?
  19. Bespreek het belang van Koning Alfred voor de Angelsaksische maatschappij.


Lesson 15: Future

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0. Recap.

  1. Use this PowerPoint to recap the rules for the future tense.

1. Choose the correct future tense.

  1. Gebruik de juiste future tense. Gebruik je schema als je twijfelt.
  2. Beslis op basis van de gegeven zin welke future tense je gebruiken moet. Als je nu nog steeds je schema moet gebruiken, is het misschien een slim idee om dit uit je hoofd te leren.
  3. Beslis tussen WILL en GOING TO.
  4. Je moet nu zelf kiezen. Will of going to? Gebruik je schema.
  5. Je moet nu zelf kiezen. Will of going to? Gebruik je schema.
  6. Je moet nu zelf typen. Will of going to? Gebruik je schema.
  7. Je moet nu zelf typen. Will of going to? Gebruik je schema.
  8. Beslis op basis van de gegeven zin welke future tense je gebruiken moet.
  9. BOSS BATTLE! Je moet nu zelf typen. Will of going to? Gebruik je schema.

2. Future.

  1. Use this PowerPoint to recap the rules for the future tense.
  2. Multiple choice. Choose the most logical tense.
  3. Choose will, going to, or present continuous.
  4. Multiple choice.


Lesson 14: Test Prep

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Test Yourself.

  1. Do the Test Yourself module from the Stepping Stones material, which is accessible through the Magister ELO.

Revisit Lessons 10 and 11.

  1. If you feel you've grasped the concept, compare your progress by acing this exercise and complete the sentences with past perfect, past simple, and present perfect forms. You must separate your answers by commas (,) or slashes (/). Remember: you shouldn't be afraid of the exercise; the exercise should be afraid of you. Also remember: whatever happens, you'll always be better-looking than Billy.
  2. Poor Billy. So very, very ugly.

Additional material.

  1. Use this Powerpoint and this Powerpoint to recap the fules for present and past perfect. Want another explanation to the tenses? Hungry for even more tense exercises than Lessons 10 and 11 can give you? Click here for extra explanation and exercises. (Key.)
  2. Use this Powerpoint to recap the rules for comparatives. Want another explanation to comparatives? Hungry for even more comparative/superlative exercises? Click here for extra explanation and exercises. (Key included.)
  3. Use this Powerpoint to recap the fules for relative pronouns. Download the practice sheet for relative clauses here. Download answers here.


  1. Work in groups (maximum 5 people). Make a poster where you visualise examples for typical present perfect and past perfect tenses. Use the materials provided by Mr. Vermeulen. The end product can be a comic, a drawing of an example situation, a meme, et cetera. First, make a plan of action ('Wat ga je doen? Wat komt waar op de poster?') and have it checked by Mr. Vermeulen.

Irregular boardgame.

  1. Feel like something in your life is missing? Have you always known your full potential in life has never been fulfilled? Want to partake in the journey of your life? Are you ready to challenge yourself on a level never seen before? Named by TIME magazine to be "more addicting than the hardest hard drug known to man". Wager at the highest stakes! Are you willing to bet your reputation in the most dangerous game ever invented? Then ask Mr. Vermeulen for the materials to THE. ULTIMATE. IRREGULAR. Wait for it… B O A R D G A M E.


  1. Go onto WRTS and study the vocab for Katern 2 Theme 1 and the irregular verbs.


January 22nd

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1. Write down the correct relative pronoun. Give all possibilities.

  1. Are you sure these are the journalists _ helped to catch the thief?
  2. This is the city of Birmingham, _ Mr Stevenson was born.
  3. So it was a man from Birmingham _ had stolen the money!
  4. The police car _ was following the burglar, landed in a ditch.
  5. Do you know the reporter _ article was in the newspaper yesterday?
  6. I often think back to 2006, _ was the best year I have ever had.
  7. He sometimes buys food _ nobody will ever eat.
  8. Is there anybody here _ name starts with an S?
  9. I’m trying to find out the reason _ Kanye didn’t come to the VMAs.
  10. Billy the dog, the face _ is disfigured, is probably the ugliest creature on earth.


Lesson 13: Relative clauses and comparisons

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0. Recap.

  1. Use this Powerpoint to recap the rules for relative pronouns ('betrekkelijke bijwoorden').

1. Relative clauses.

  1. Can the pronoun be left out?
  2. Multiple choice. Which phrase fits best?
  3. Decide if commas are necessary.
  4. Combine two sentences into one using a relative pronoun. This exercise is similar to the one you'll receive on the test.
  5. BOSS BATTLE! Mixed exercises.

2. Comparisons.

  1. Multiple choice.
  2. Make superlatives.
  3. Fill in.

3. Contrastive tenses. You have to decide which tense to use in which situation.

  1. Choose between past simple and past perfect. A common combination.
  2. Hier komt de bekende combinatie past perfect en past simple. Ze geven binnen een context/situatie gebeurtenissen aan in het verleden; de perfect geeft de eerste gebeurtenis aan, en de simple de tweede. Pas dit hier toe.
  3. Choose between past simple, past perfect and present perfect. Try to make a timeline in your head.
  4. BOSS BATTLE! Have you got what it takes?

4. Done?

  1. Go onto WRTS and study the vocab for Katern 2 Theme 1 and the irregular verbs. Test is on January 8th, the Tuesday after the holidays.


Lesson 12

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1. Tenses.

  1. Use this PowerPoint presentation to revise the rules for the past perfect if necessary.
  2. Work in groups of two, or as I like to call them: pairs! Go to the Digitaal Lesmateriaal and do Extra Grammar for Katern 2 Theme 1.

2a. Watch this clip about a traditional British moustache club. Answer the questions below. Bring your answers to class tomorrow.

  1. What are the rules for becoming a member? Name three.
  2. What food and drink should be avoided if one has a moustache? Name three.
  3. What problems have members come across due to their extravagant appendages? Name two.

2b. Watch this clip about Billy. Answer the question below. Bring your answers to class tomorrow.

  1. What evidence of mistreatment is apparent from the clip? Identify at least two examples.

3. Choose to work on WRTS or prepare your presentation.

  1. Truly amazing. De aanstaande idioomoverhoring zal gaan over Katern 2 Theme 1. De onregelmatige werkwoorden moet je kennen voor het proefwerk van Katern 2 Theme 1.
  2. Prepare a presentation on a famous person/event.


Homework for December 10th

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  1. Use this PowerPoint presentation to revise the rules for the past perfect.
  2. Fill in your first name and complete the sentences with past perfect, past simple, and present perfect forms. You must separate your answers by commas (,) or slashes (/).


Lesson 11: Past simple vs. past perfect

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1. Intro.
  1. If your name isn't Sam, Sanne, or Daniëlle Aarts, do this exercise and fill in your first name.
  2. Nederlandse uitleg.
  3. Nederlandse uitleg, iets uitgebreider.
2. Use the past perfect (had + past participle) and past simple where needed.
  1. Form a past perfect.
  2. Match sentences to get familiar with the timeline of the tenses used.
  3. Hier komt de bekende combinatie past perfect en past simple. Ze geven binnen een context/situatie gebeurtenissen aan in het verleden; de perfect geeft de eerste gebeurtenis aan, en de simple de tweede. Envision a timeline. This multiple-choice exercise you will need to analyse the context to correctly choose between past perfect and past simple.
  4. Form a past perfect.
  5. Envision a timeline. This exercise you will need to analyse the context to correctly choose between past perfect and past simple.
3. Done?
  1. WRTS.
  2. Homework for tomorrow is exercise 23, 24, and making a personal top 3 of English-language humour.


Lesson 10: Past simple vs. present perfect

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1. Exercises.
  1. Seeing as how this is all stuff from onderbouw, we'll get straight to the exercises. Try and gauge whether your knowledge on the subject is still up to scratch. Tomorrow a concise grammar explanation will help you catch up on all that might have been forgotten or gone wrong along the way.
  2. Ligt de focus op de situatie nu? Present perfect. Ligt de focus op het verleden of staat er een tijdsbepaling in de zin? Past simple. Voor subtielere verschillen lees je deze Nederlandstalige uitleg door. Ook kun je hier kijken voor Nederlandse uitleg (lees alleen de informatie onder present perfect).
  3. Een lastige. Pas het bovenstaande toe.
  4. Pas het bovenstaande toe, maar nu zonder hulp.
  5. Multiple choice.
  6. Multiple choice.
  7. Multiple choice.
  8. Past simple or present perfect or past continuous.
  9. Past simple or present perfect.
  10. Past simple or present perfect.
  11. Choose carefully.
  12. Mix.
  13. BOSS BATTLE! Past simple or present perfect. Press enter after each answer.


Lesson 9: Reported Speech

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1. If you think you need it, review the rules for indirect speech.
  1. Recap.
  2. Nederlandse recap.

Tense changes are as follows.

tense in direct speech tense in indirect speech
present (simple/continuous) > past (simple/continuous)
past continuous > had been ww-ing
> had + pp
2a. Difficulty: super-easy, right?.
  1. Multiple choice.
  2. Another multiple choice.
2b. Difficulty: medium!
  1. Requests.
  2. Some tricky bits in this one.
  3. Positive and negative requests.
  4. Requests again.
  5. Change time and place references!
  6. Mixed multiple choice.
  7. Change time and place references!
  8. Reported questions.


Lesson 8

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1. Practice listening.

  1. You are a subtitler. Transcribe (as best you can) this clip of David Mitchell on 8 Out Of 10 Cats. That means you will write down--word for word--what he says. You may use any tools necessary to accomplish this task. Write down your transcript (as complete as you can) and bring to class tomorrow.
  2. Want a challenge? You may also choose to transcribe this 16-second clip of ex-Burnley manager Owen Coyle providing analysis on the match.

2. Past simple/continuous.

  1. BOSS BATTLE ON PAST SIMPLE/CONTINUOUS! Show Mr. Vermeulen your greatness. Or in other words, when you're finished, show Mr. Vermeulen your finished product. He wants to check your understanding.

3. Watch this clip. Answer the following questions. Write down the answers and bring to class tomorrow.

  1. What was the man doing when he pushed the button?
  2. What were the paramedics trying to do when the patient fell from the stretcher?
  3. What happened when the ambulance started driving?
  4. What happened to the cyclist?
  5. Finish the sentence. When a girl came by on the motorcycle, the paramedic and the cyclist __.

4. Past/present simple/continuous.

  1. Do exercises 8, 9, and 10 from this download. Bring the answers for exercise 8 to class tomorrow. Bring answers to 9 and 10 on Friday.


Lesson 7

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1. Past continuous.

  1. Go on the Digitaal Lesmateriaal and do Extra Grammar Practice for K1Th2. Do exercises on the continuous only.

2. Get started on reported speech. Don't worry if you make mistakes. We will review the grammar rules for reported speech later.

  1. Multiple choice.
  2. Another multiple choice.
  3. Some tricky bits in this one.

3. WRTS (optional).

  1. Truly amazing. De idioomoverhoring van a.s. vrijdag bestaat uit de woorden van Theme 2 en de onregelmatige werkwoorden.

4. Practice listening (optional).

  1. You are a subtitler. Transcribe this 16-second clip of ex-Burnley manager Owen Coyle providing analysis on the match. That means will write down--word for word--what he says. You may use any tools necessary to accomplish this task.
  2. Havo listening exam 1990. Answers are in the description.


Lesson 6

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1. Past Continuous.

  1. Analyse and choose.
  2. Recognise long and short actions in context and choose appropriate tenses.
  3. Long action? Continuous! Short? Simple! Multiple choice, too, so this should be like taking a random item from a baby.
  4. Choose between continuous and simple. You're on your own so type in the correct answer. Easy?
  5. Choose continuous or simple. You're on your own so type in the correct answer. What? Like taking candy? OK.
  6. Continuous or simple. You're on your own so type in the correct answer. How about this one?
  7. Continuous or simple. Type in the correct answer. Scratching your head yet?
  8. Type! Don't fret, almost finished.
  9. You know the drill.

2. Take a break (if you have earphones, that is).

Daniel Simonsen.

3. WRTS.

  1. Truly amazing. De idioomoverhoring bestaat uit de woorden van Theme 2 en de onregelmatige werkwoorden.


Lesson 5

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1a. Recap on the past continuous!


1b. Exercises.
  1. Have you got good instincts? Or do you need to rely on reason?
  2. Recognise past continuous (long actions) and simple (short actions).
  3. Complete the sentences by dragging two pieces together.
  4. Form the past continuous. Choose __was/were + infinitive + "-ing"__.
  5. A long event can be interrupted by a short event. A long event in the past uses the past continuous and a short event uses the past simple.
  6. Give long (continuous) and short (simple) actions appropriate tenses.
  7. Give long (continuous) and short (simple) actions appropriate tenses.
  8. You have probably noticed that situations with interruptions often feature the past continuous. We're now adding another situation where the past continuous is used into the mix. It can also be used when there is a long action in the past. I know, shocking.
  9. Analyse the context and choose the appropriate tense.


Listening 4: Listening Listening

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1. Listening. Listening listening listening.

  1. Listening 1.
  2. Listening 2.
  3. Listening 3.
  4. Listening 4.
  5. You have found a secret! BOSS BATTLE! Show Mr. Vermeulen your greatness. Or in other words, show Mr. Vermeulen your finished product. He wants to check your understanding.


Lesson 3: Proefwerk Practice

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1. Review adverbs and adjectives by having a look at the presentation currently in your Magister inbox. Oh, there's one typo in there, just to keep you sharp.

2. Don't be afraid of the exercise; the exercise should be afraid of you!

  1. This exercise is nothing special.
  2. Nothing special 2.
  3. Irregular adverbs. These adverbs feature in two different forms, with two different meanings. Decide which one fits the sentence.
  4. Practice linking verbs.

2. WRTS.

  1. Can you believe this word list? It truly is amazing!


Lesson 2

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1a. First refresh your knowledge on the adverb rule by carefully reading the rules.


1b. Read the rules and choose between ADJECTIVE and ADVERB.


2. Choose between ADJECTIVE and ADVERB.


3. Correctly spell ADVERBS.


4. Choose between ADJECTIVE and ADVERB and spell correctly.


5a. Read the rules on ADVERB position.


5b. Place the ADVERB in the correct position.


6. Test yourself with the most difficult exercise yet!



Lesson 1

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1. Listening.

  1. Grab your workbook and go to page 15 for exercise 17.
  2. Magister > ELO > Digitaal lesmateriaal > Engels/Overige > Stepping Stones > Listening C.

2. Resources for text Generation gap.

  1. Resource 1.
  2. Resource 2.
  3. Read Old versus young on page 3.
  4. Do exercise 3A.
  5. Do exercise 3B.

3. Vocab.

  1. Study the vocab for Theme 1.

4. Grammar Survey.

  1. Have a look at the grammar elements which will feature in this chapter.



GoT Trailer 2.
Old English 'reading'.
Mansbach. Idea, appeal?
Alison Jackson photography
Listening (Owen Coyle)
Incomphrehensible Scots
Adverb/adjective practice
Linking verb examples
Google's Endangered languages' clip
Daniel Simonsen
Rise to fame 1: Charlie Bit Me
Rise to fame 2: Wife Swap
Rise to fame 3: I'm Yours
⊙ Jurassic Park sound production. Are the sounds that were used based on fact? How did the sound engineers make the sounds for the dinosaurs? How was the raptor sound made?
⊙ What is the similarity and difference between children and monkeys shown in the video?
⊙ Traditional British moustache club. What are the rules for becoming a member? What food and drink should be avoided if one has a moustache? What problems have members come across due to their extravagant appendages?
⊙ Meet Billy. What evidence of mistreatment is apparent from the clip?
⊙ Lyre bird. Can you name all the sounds it produces? Why does it make these sounds?
⊙ Olm. What features make it special?
⊙ Connor and Cayden Long. Doctors' predictions? How does Cayden show his excitement? How's LeBron's going to use this story?
⊙ Sloth. What are their bathroom breaks like? Why are they so dirty?
⊙ Angler fish. How do angler fish mate?
⊙ Cargo Cults. What is this? Why do they do what they do? Why are they angry at the 'white man'?
♪ Dung beetle. Audio. What do beetles use their GPS-like sense of direction for?
♪ Lost pigeons. Which facts mentioned show the size of the flock? Why did the pigeons go extinct?

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